Katheline Ramos Vazquez
Profa. Elizabeth Lenherr
Ingl 3104 Sec. 060
April 1, 2011
Reflexion on What is Happening to Lybia
What is happening right now at present time to the country of Libya is a very painful, sad and horrible moment. Libyan people are being killed and abused for no explainable reason. They just want to have the necessary things that every human being wants and needs to have; and that’s freedom. They are denied to have the freedom to choose what to wear, where to go, who to be, what to say, what to do, etc. People in Libya can’t have or experience this freedom tasks. But there tyrant governor Gadaffi can have them. It is a situation that is just not fair. How can one person rule a country so mean and oppressively? Only one person… is just stupid to think that some old guy is killing and abusing the people of Libya. The army that follows this tyrant is just repulsive because they are killing their own people, their own land; the land where they were born. This situation resembles the one that passed in Germany with Hitler killing massively all the Jewish living in Germany. The U.S government wants to intervene because we are all humans, we are all equal. No matter where we are from, we all live in the same planet and is just not fair that some tyrant rules Libya brutally and abusively. The people of Libya are only trying to gain their freedom and basic human rights. It matters to the entire world what is happening to them, because today they are them tomorrow it can be us. Humans should fight for their basic rights and needs and it should matter to everyone what this people are passing through. As humans we should have solidarity and compassion for this hard and sad situation. We should try our best to try to help our fellow neighbors like USA and all the nations united are trying to do. We shouldn’t be indifferent to this situation because that is just wrong. I admire USA and all the countries that are allied to help this cause. I hope this resolves very soon.
Good response, Kathy!