Friday, February 25, 2011

Blog Assigment #3: Beth

Katheline I. Ramos Vazquez
Ingl 3104      Sec 066
Profe. Elizabeth Lenherr
February 25, 2011


            My intermediate English professor’s name is Elizabeth Lenherr, but she likes it better when you call her Beth. Because that’s her nickname, in that manner she feels connected to us in a confident way in class. She doesn’t like it when you call her Miss or Ma’am, because that makes her feel old. She told to the class that she likes better to be called Beth, she said that in order for us to understand that she just wants us as students to feel comfortable and, establish a good and respectful friendship with her. My first impression of her was that she was very young to be a professor. As soon as she started talking to us about the class, she mentioned that she hates writing on the chalkboard because she doesn’t like the chalk in her fingers. That was quite funny because she tried to write something on the board and her writing is pretty bad. But she seems like a very nice and cool person, because she doesn’t talk to her class in a strict way and she’s interested in knowing everyone of her students. Not every professor does that in the Colegio.

            Beth has light brown hair and green-bluish eyes, one thing that caught my attention of her is that in her wrist she has a henna tattoo shaped like a sun or something like that, I knew it was henna because she noticed a student in class that has a henna tattoo in his hand and she told him that she loves henna tattoos. Other thing that I noticed of her is that she has a nose piercing. I think that the henna tattoo and the nose piercing is a very unique thing that describes her personally, but she hasn’t told the class how and why she got her nose pierced and what does the henna tattoo mean. Beth dresses very comfortably; she uses very comfortable shoes like sandals and sneakers. She dresses casual clothes like blouse and pants, but sometimes she uses skirts. She always wears her hair loose, I’ve have never seen her in class with a ponytail nor a braid. She barely uses make-up maybe because in the American culture women barely use make-up. Beth is naturally from the United States, I don’t remember from which state exactly but she mentioned she comes from a big humble family. Once in class she mentioned that from all her brothers and sisters she was the only one that hasn’t got married yet, maybe because for now she’s not interested in forming a family and is waiting to have finished all her studies and become a professional. Beth seems like a very responsible and dedicated person to her studies and job, because she mentioned in class that she has been even in Africa teaching. I think that not everyone can do that, just very dedicated people that have a very strong vocation, because going to other continent to teach far away from home is not a very easy thing to do.

            In conclusion I thing my English professor, Beth, is a very nice, dedicated and smart person. She always tries to make class fun and creative, by doing different activities and watching videos that may help us understand better the English class. I think she will succeed in everything she propose in life because she loves what she teaches and has a lot of interest, but most importantly she has vocation. I think she is a good example of perseverance and going after ones dreams because she dedicates very much to what she pursues in life.


  1. Kathy-

    Wow! You wrote a lot! You gave a lot of good description too!

    Your goal for this semester is to improve on sentence composition. What I mean by this is you have many run-on sentences in this blog entry. A run-on is what you compose two or three separate sentences, but keep them as one sentence. If you do not separate the sentences with a period, and start a new sentence, then it becomes a run-on. If this is not clear to you please ask me and I can explain in person. This is something I want you to work on, and if you visit the writing center before turning in your final essay, let them know that is what you are working on this semester and they can help you too!

