Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Blog assignment #5

Katheline I. Ramos Vazquez
Ingl 3102   Sec. 060
Profa. Elizabeth Lenherr
March 9, 2011

Blog assignment #5: Similarities

            Edgar Allan Poe’s poem Annabel Lee is about a woman that he loved profoundly but someone then kills her and he is destroyed by this. Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem is about the despair of a king and his kingdom is based on pain and sadness. The song “Dust in the Wind” by the band Kansas, is about a love relationship that doesn’t care anymore about each other and break- up. So all that’s left for them is like dust in the wind. These three pieces of literature have in common that in the atmosphere it rules pain, sadness and despair in love. The theme that predominates these poems is solitude, because in every one of them the person to love has died or gone away. Shelley’s poem is a little bit confusing but it mainly talks about a king who has left his kingdom in pain and loneliness. So generally the three of them represent love going wrong and ending up.

1 comment:

  1. Kathy-
    Not bad for not having an in-class discussion first. I hope that you understand them a bit better now after our class discussion.

